Announcing the Second Annual Tolkien Lecture at Pembroke College, Oxford

Adam RobertsWe are pleased to announce that science-fiction author Professor Adam Roberts will be delivering the second annual Pembroke Tolkien Lecture on Fantasy Literature.

The lecture will take place at 7pm on Friday, 2nd May, at the Pichette Auditorium, Pembroke College. Please sign up here if you wish to attend. We hope to welcome as many people as possible, both from inside and outside Oxford University.

Adam Roberts is Professor of Nineteenth-century Literature at Royal Holloway, University of London. He has published fourteen science fiction novels, the most recent of which are Jack Glass (Gollancz 2012), which won the BSFA and Campbell awards for best SF novel of the year; and Twenty Trillion Leagues Under the Sea (Gollancz 2014; with Mahendra Singh). With his academic hat on, he has published articles and books on a range of topics including Tolkien. The Riddles of the Hobbit (Palgrave 2013) is the most recent. The academic hat is purely metaphorical. He does not generally wear headgear.

If you have any questions about the upcoming lecture, please contact Gabriel Schenk or William Badger.

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